Welcome to our blog! My name is April and on October 19th 2012, I married my best friend Paul for time & all eternity.

It all started when we were both just 16 years old. Yeah, one of those crazy high school romances that actually made it! We went to school together. He baptized me, I sent him off on a mission, we wrote each other, I waited, he came home, we got engaged, and now we're happily married! And for the last 5 1/2 years we've only grown to love each other more and more with every day that passes.

So far, this journey has been so rewarding filled with fun, laughter, and yes even tears here and there. Every moment is worth it. We hope you guys will enjoy taking this journey through marriage and life with us.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

1 month

Yeah, that's right. It's been one month (and 1 day :] ) since I married the man of my dreams! Crazy right?!? Right. And we decided that we were going to make it a big deal by celebrating all weekend. Well, more like I decided.

The weekend was packed with a Twilight marathon at our home, actually going to see Breaking Dawn 2 and Paul actually liking it, enjoying a romantic dinner at Macaroni Grill, window shopping at the mall telling each other what we wanted for Christmas, ordering our brand new couches, And then Paul coming home from work early to surprise me with flowers and chocolate and going out to dinner (We had yummy sushi) on our actual one month anniversary. We had a ton of fun and I'm glad we celebrated it. Paul really is such a good husband. Sometimes, I really don't know how he puts up with all my crazy antics but he does and I love him even more for it. 

1 month down, Eternity go. Can't wait! 

1 comment:

  1. How cute that he got you a card for your 1 month anniversary. What a good guy!
